“The mission of the Adventure Foundation Pakistan is outdoor education, a process of experience-based learning within natural settings. The outdoors and nature are teachers with infinite knowledge, it is up to the willing learner to absorb as much as they can.
The Urdu phrase in our logo “Kamil Insaan” broadly meaning “complete human” is a symbol of the perfectly balanced person in all respects: with themselves, the natural world and with others. This is the ideal our participants strive for. An ideal that can be aspired to even if not achieved. The aspirations and actions based on this ideal result in leading a life full of meaning and purpose.
While our priority age group is the young adult, all age groups can find joy in and benefit from the outdoor experience.
In this journey, you will discover the hidden beauty of the outdoors. In turn, the hidden talents in you will be nurtured, equipping you to lead a more meaningful life.