Outdoor Wilderness Education

Internationally accepted Outdoor Education concepts are applied as a tool for personal development through adventure associated activities set in the natural environment. The central theme of these courses is to facilitate the development of wilderness leaders and their interaction with the groups they lead.

1 : Navigation and Route Finding

Introduces map reading, navigation and route finding using map and compass. Essential for Camp Counsellors and Wilderness Guides, Eco-Guide and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme aspirants. Open to all aged 14 years and Above

2 : First Aid & Emergency Procedures

Basic First aid especially designed for low temperature and high altitude problems. Includes elements of rescue and evacuation of injured persons. Essential for Camp Counsellors and Wilderness Guides and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme aspirants. Open to all aged 14 years and above.

3 : Introduction to Orienteering (Local)

An introduction to the world of orienteering teaching you rough and fine navigation, use of map and compass, contour interpretation, pacing and using attack points. By the end of this weekend course you will be changed from an enthusiastic beginner to an eager competitor. Open to all age 14 and above.

4 : Educators Wilderness Leadership

Designed for young children to introduce the concept of camping, trekking and living outdoors. They learn about individual responsibility and group cooperation through this fun and adventure filled exposure. It loosely follows the standard courses, but methods are modified to match the high energy level and special needs of youngsters. Open to children 11-14 years.

Other Courses

• Educators Wilderness Teambuilding
• Environmental Education Ecology Environmental
• Education Ecology (Weekends)